5' 4" Ideal Weight

The most common way to determine 5’ 4″ ideal weight is to look it up on a BMI chart, but some tables do not include 5 foot 4 inchs. A healthy BMI for someone 5′ 4 ” is between 108 pounds and 146 pounds. The BMI does not give different ideal weights for men and women. BMI is currently what is used by the cdc and other health related agencies Other formulas for choosing ideal weight are:

Ideal Weight for Women 5’ 4″

Metropolitan Insurance – (small frame 114 – 127 pounds) (medium frame 124 – 138) (large frame 134 – 151)* Robinson Formula - 123 pounds is ideal weight for a woman Devine Formula - 120 pounds is ideal weight for a woman Miller Formula – 129 pounds is the ideal weight .   Miss America - There have been Miss Americas with heights between 5'1" and 5'11"; Based on a height of 5'4" inches, the average Miss America has had a weight of between 98 pounds and 130 pounds. She also has had on average: a bust of 33.5 inches, waist of 23.1 inches and hips of 34.1 inches. Ok do not get too upset. Look below...how many men do you know that are shaped like Steve Reeves the natural body builder.  

Ideal Weight for Men 5’ 4″

Metropolitan Insurance – (small frame 132 – 138 pounds) (medium frame 135– 145) (large frame 142 – 156)* Robinson Formula – 131 pouns is the ideal weight for men Devine Formual – 130 pounds is the ideal weight for men Miller Formula – 136 pounds is the ideal weight for men     To Look Like Steve Reeves the famous natural body builder (Steve Reeves sugested ideal measurements): Arms - 16.3 inches Calves - 16.3 inches Neck - 16.3 inches Thighs - 23.8 inches Chest - 47.7 inches Waist - 26.5 inches   Want to look like a Greek Adonis? You will need shoulders of 46.3 inches and a waist of 28.6 inches.   Perhaps you feel that the perfect body would look like a long distance runner. There is good reason to believe this. Many anthropologists believe that the survival of Homo sapiens depended on our ability to chase down prey over long distances in relative heat. The best long distance runners of 5'4" would weigh between 100 and 132 pounds. Don't look like Miss America or Steve Reeves? Join the club.     * Weight in pounds, based on ages 25-59 with the lowest mortality rate (indoor clothing weighing 3 pounds and shoes with 1″ heels) Metropolitan Insurance 1943  

Related Resources at Ideal-Weight-Charts.com

Many believe that   ideal body fat percentage  is the best way to measure

Another good way to check your fitness is to look at your waist to hip measurement.

Women might also want to check out  the ideal body measurements for women.

And Men may want to check out the ideal body measurements for men.

There is also the most common ideal weight chart which is the BMI chart for men and women.

Return to general information on ideal weight.