Use an Ideal Body Weight Chart to find your Ideal Body Weight

What Does Your Ideal Body Weight Look Like?

Caution! This Ideal Body Weight Chart is not perfect. This guy would be classified as overweight. (no chart is perfect)

Is this body builder overweight or does he have the ideal body weight?

On this page we present just one type of chart used to find your ideal weight. The charts have many different names such as ideal body weight chart or ideal weight chart or ideal height weight chart. They are all trying to do the same thing find your ideal weight for height. Because you may be in a hurry, I will start with the easiest chart first and then you can click on more exact charts or measurements to find your ideal weight by using more exact measurements of measuring bone size fat.... After all we are all individuals and there is no one size fits all answer.

A word of caution about the term "ideal weight". Historically these charts were compiled by and used by doctors. They were really average weights of healthy people. The doctors today can not use the average because the average person is overweight. Now they use body mass index (BMI) charts.

This chart was given compliments of "Weight loss by the Numbers

More Ideal Body Weight Charts and Information

Ideal Weight Chart for Women

Ideal Weight Chart for Men

Ideal Body Fat Percentage

Ideal Body Measurements for Women

Ideal Body Measurements for Men

Ideal Body Measurements for Men by Muscle and Fitness Magazine

Still looking for weighs to measure progress towards that ideal body of yours:
5 Ways to Track Weight Loss

Body Mass Index (BMI) should not be considered an ideal weight chart because it is not a good way to find your ideal weight, but it is a great way to find a healthy weight and is great if you are obese because it gives you Intermediate weight goals. Check out: Body Mass Index Weight

Did you try all the links above and still not find what your weight goal should be? An ideal body weight chart does not work for everyone. Perhaps you have lost so much weight that your facial skin is getting too loose. Some women may want to know if they should gain muscle. Some women may worry they have lost the weight in the wrong place. Some men may have faces that are too thin when losing weight. Try this page:

What's My Ideal Weight?

Old movies can be better than an ideal body weight chart