How to Get Fit Fast at Home
Fit for Free & Ditch the Gym
Scott Tudge
This also is not a good diet book, but it is great
for those who want to learn how to get fit fast at home..
book is simple to use and it's split design is set up to take with you
as you exercise. There is nothing earth shaking in this book,
but it
describes in detail about 47 basic exercises that one can do at home.
By using variations of these exercises it comes up with 120
different routines......
Because ther are 120
different workouts, you can workout one day on the upper body for
example, and the next day on the lower body. This alows you
to get fit fast. Also because you work at home, there are no
excuses for not exercising like I could not get to the gym or the gym
was closed.
These routines go
from beginner to intermediate to advanced. Each routine lasts
from about 30 minutes to about an hour. I higly reccomend
this book because it shows one how to safely exercise all basic muscle
groups. The charts in the back of the book are the ideal way
to keep up with how you are doing. One simply makes copies of
these exercise charts and then can keep up with your progress. I aslo
like this book, because it is not theory but a well built take it with
you as you exercise book. I like this book because it does
not assume that you know things like what is a dumbbell row or an Arnie
press. Video programs like P-90x are good but you can spend
so much time fooling with the video and it is not really designed to
build your strength like this program is designed to do. By using
dumbbells, weights and adjustable bands, this program is designed to
increase your strength and muscle mass. with this book you
can exercise inside, outside or wherever you want and do not have to be
in front of the TV.
summary I have not seen a better book yet that takes you by the hand
and shows you how to get fit fast at home.