Vitamins Chart

This Vitamins Chart is not intended to be exhaustive; rather this is just a chart to remind you  how to get a variety of different kinds of foods (the "where to get it " column)  that will lead to a more balance diet. The " why you need it"  section gives you the motivation.

Vitamin Where To Get It Why You Need It
Vitamin A Green Leafy vegetables, milk, cantaloupe,apricots Healthy skin and bones
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) Whole-grain cereals, meat Helps convert carbohytrates to energy
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Green vegetables, fish,milk,cheese Helps to metabolize food
Niacin Fish, meat, nuts,legumes Helps the body use energy from food
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) Liver, yeast Used by the body for growth and development.
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) Meat, other animal foods Used by nervous system and red blood cells.
Folate Green leafy vegetables, oranges. Used by nervous system and red blood cells.
Vitamin C Citrus fruits, potatoes Used by your immune system
Vitamin D Fortified dairy products; also made by skin exposed to sun. Helps the body absorb calcium; therefore necessary for strong bones.
Vitamin E Whole grains, vegetable oils. An antioxidant that boosts immunity.
Vitamin K Leafy vegetables Helps the blood to clot. 
Mineral Where to Get It Why You Need It
Calcium Milk and dairy products Helps to build strong bones; used for cardiac funtion
Iodine Added to some table salt Aids in the procuction of thyroid hormones
Iron Meat Neded for red cells
Magnesium Milk dairy, vegetables Builds bones and teeth
Phosphorous Milk dairy  builds bones and teeth.
Potassium Milk fruits, vegetables Regulates water balance in the body
Sodium Most foods Regulates water balance in the body
Zinc meat liver eggs Helps the body to use insulin

This chart was found in "The Diabetic Chef" by Franklin Becker .  I feel that the cover of the book describes this book well. "More than 80 simple but spectacular recipes from one of New York City's top chefs.   I think that I should add that he also does a great job of describing some of the basic cooking skills, as well as describing some basic eating and cooking needs of the diabetic.  

Even though I liked the chart above, I felt it leaned towards meat and dairy produccts so I found this information to be useful:

 Vitamins Other Name Vitamin Sources Areas Affected
  Vitamin A Beta carotene/ acetate, palmitate Leafy greens Bones, skin
  Vitamin B1 Thiamine HCl, mononitrate Green beans, grains, milk Metabolism, nerves
  Vitamin B2 Riboflavin Nuts, cheese, eggs Growth, respiration
  Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine HCl, pyridoxyl Egg yolk, wheat germ Growth, facial skin
  H ("B complex") Biotin Egg yolk, liver Growth
  ("B complex") Choline bitartrate Egg yolk, heart LIver
  M ("B9 complex") Folic Acid Grains, peas, beans Anemia, heart
  B3 ("B complex") Niacin (nicotinic acid), -amide Meat, yeast Pellagra, nerves, rhythm
  ("B complex") Pantothenic Acid Rice, beans Growth
  Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin Liver, milk, eggs, fish Blood anemia
  Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid Oranges, lemons Immune system
  Vitamin D Calciferal (D2) Milk, skin Rickets
  Cholecalciferal (D3) Dairy, fish, sunlight Bones, muscle, blood
  Vitamin E d-Alpha tocopherol acetate Wheat germ Nervous sys., vascular
  Vitamin K Phytonadione Liver, leafy greens, broccoli Blood clotting
  Minerals Form / Source Mineral Sources Areas Affected
  Calcium ascorbate/ carbonate/ pantothenate Milk, yogurt Bones
  Chromium amino a. chelate/ picolinate Mushrooms, raisins, nuts Metabolism
  Copper chloride, gluconate/ sulfate Organs, cereals, nuts Blood, nerves
  Iodine Potassium Iodide (kelp) Kelp Growth, metabolism
  Iron Iron fumarate, ferrous sulfate Meat - supplement Blood
  Magnesium ascorbate/ citrate/ oxide Nuts, seeds, leafy greens Heart, muscles, sleep
  Manganese Manganese gluconate/ sulfate Nuts, ginger, tea Bones, nerves
  Phosphorus dicalcium phosphate Meat, dairy Bones, teeth, heart
  Potassium citrate, oxide Bananas, orange juice, potato Heart
  Selenium Selenite Brazils, fish, red meat, poultry C@ncer protection
  Zinc chelate/ gluconate/ oxide/ sulfate Oysters, beef, turkey S@x drive, immune
  Other popular supplements - Need in Human Nutrition Not Established
  Other Substance Sources Areas Affected
  Salt Betaine Eggs, liver,beet juice Stomach, heart
  Enzyme Coenzyme Q-10 Organs, fish, vegetable oils Heart, pressure
  Oils Fish Oil Cold water ocean fish Heart
  EPA Cold water ocean fish Heart
  DHA Cold water ocean fish Heart
  Omega-3 Flax seed oil Flax seed Heart
  Omega 3 - ALA    
  Omega 6 - LA    
  Omega 9 - OA    
  (amino acid) L-carnitine Meat Heart, muscles
  (amino acid) L-glutamine Liver, nuts Brain circulation
  Hawthorne Berry Hawthorne berry Heart
  (cyclic alcohol) Inositol Grains, beans LIver
  Lemon Bioflavonoid Citrus fruit (not in dictionary)
  ("B complex") Para-amino-benzoic-a Dairy, mushrooms Growth factor
  Rutin Eucalyptus, buckwheat Capillaries
  (amino acid) Taurine Meat Heart

This information was found at:  Vaughns

I tried sites such as the USDA site but could not find a helpful chart. If you know of a better chart please use the contact form below to let me know.