Where to buy a pedometer? That is the question, I first asked when looking for a pedometer. My company gave me a Omron HJ-113 as an incentive to get healthy. I loved it, but my wife was jealous. I looked for it online. Wal-Mart had good prices, almost a dollar less on some pedometers, but they had only a few to choose from. Wal-Mart had the HJ-112 but it did not have what I believe is a slightly newer model the Omron HJ-113. Wal-Mart also had reviews with their pedometers. Other places were usually more expensive. Amazon is where I ended up going because the Omron HJ-113 was acutually about a dollar cheaper than the HJ-112. The other thing I really liked about Amazon was that it had a huge selection of models. Some pedometers may be better for runners and some for walkers... Some pedometers can be in the form of a watch, some pedometers can be laced into the shoes.
Where to buy a pedometer? Amazon is the where to buy a pedometer. The next question is what kind of pedometer should I get.
Do you want a pedometer for running? ,or are you more interested in a walking pedometer comparison. Do you want a watch with a pedometer or perhaps a calorie counting watch? Maybe you would just look at a general pedometer compairison.
Whatever pedometer you choose, I hope it helps you as much in encouraging you to walk as it has helped me.
Resources at Ideal-Weight-Charts.com
more information about:
Pedometer Comparison
Pedometer 10000 Steps Chart
for Running